An assessment is required before entry to the school, this will be scheduled after receiving a complete application. All our assessments are age appropriate and are designed to help explore your child’s strengths and personal qualities, readiness and ability to access our curriculum.
Assessments for Early Years stage and Year 1 are done by a member of our Primary Years team.
Children applying for Year 2–13 will sit a CAT4 test. Parents are welcome to wait at the reception
while their child is being assessed.

Offer of a place
Once the Admissions Office has sent an offer of place to the applicant, parents have 2 business days to confirm the acceptance or rejection. Parents have 2 weeks to secure their child’s place in school by paying the Registration fees. In case of delay, the place would be offered to the runner-up applicant.
It is payable within two weeks of receiving the invoice. In case the term has already started, the full fees must be paid prior to the student’s first day of attendance.