World Class School
NCBIS is extremely proud to have been awarded the prestigious High Performance Learning (HPL) World Class School Award, which recognises the very best schools across the globe. We are absolutely delighted to be recognised as a school at the forefront of educational thinking that has met the demanding standards of the HPL Award and fully embraced the HPL philosophy.
HPL is a framework for teaching pupils how to learn. It is a whole school belief that every child can succeed if given the right opportunities, encouragement, self-motivation and practice.
“All stakeholders are highly committed to High Performance Learning and deliberate practice. This is evident from the Principal, SLT, HPL Leads, teachers, teaching assistants, learners, parents, and the governing board. The school’s motto is “Bringing out the best in everyone” and this was evident during all interactions during the accreditation visit.” Kelvin Hornsby – HPL accreditor
NCBIS framework
At NCBIS the HPL framework has allowed us to systematically and consistently show pupils how to become good learners through everything they do at school from academic lessons to pastoral and extra curricular activities.
We teach all students through the 20 Advanced Cognitive Performers and 10 Values, Attitudes and Attributes the cognitive skills and the values, attitudes and attributes needed to become good learners. The combination of emotional and cerebral characteristics helps draw the best from every pupil and ensures that they are set up for a lifetime of success.
HPL Grants Students More Autonomy In Their Learning
HPL has given the pupils more autonomy for their learning, enabling them to take intellectual risks confidently, talk about and question their learning, be more creative in their thinking. Pupils now realise that hard work not only involves deliberate practice but also perseverance and resilience, all while working with empathy to help others and develop a concern for society and the part they play in it.
These skills are not only good for passing today’s exams but also for succeeding in the future, whatever that holds. All staff at NCBIS relish the opportunity to develop these skills in order to empower our children’s learning further.
If you want to learn more about High Performance Learning, please visit www.highperformancelearning.co.uk
If you have any questions about High Performance Learning, please feel free to email hpl@ncbis.co.uk